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Brave Browser referral program FAQ 😊

🌐 What is the website link for Brave Browser ?

The website link for Brave Browser is Click here


🔄 Is there a referral program available with Brave Browser ?

No , Brave Browser referral code has ended.

🎁 What is the bonus for signing up on Brave Browser through a referral link?

There is no bonus for signing up on Brave Browser through a referral link.

🎉 What are the rewards for referring someone to Brave Browser referral program?

There are no rewards for referring someone to Brave Browser referral program.

🤝 How do I participate in the Brave Browser Referral Program?

You cannot participate in the Brave Browser Referral Program because it has ended.

⚙️ What actions are necessary to claim the referral rewards for Brave Browser ?

You cannot claim referral rewards for Brave Browser because the referral program has ended.

🤔 Do I need to be a customer of Brave Browser to refer someone?

You do not need to be a customer of Brave Browser to refer someone but brave referral program has ended.

🚫 Are there any restrictions on who can participate in the Brave Browser referral program ?

There were no restrictions on who could participate in the Brave Browser referral program. However, the program has ended so it is no longer relevant.

🎯 Is there a limit to the rewards I can earn from the Brave Browser referral program?

There was no limit to the rewards you could earn from the Brave Browser referral program. However, the program has ended so it is no longer relevant.

🌍 Brave Browser program are valid globally?

The Brave Browser referral program was valid globally. However, the program has ended so it is no longer relevant.

# Referral Brave Browser

Referral List

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